Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sanding and little more

It’s been a bit since I waxed poetically of my obsession. Holding up the show is the fact that it is too cold to work with epoxy. That and Christmas and New years and College Bowl games....and me just being lazy. They have all conspired to keep me from my work. I've also figured out that every task I have planned takes four hours. If I don't have four hours free, I may as well not start anything serious. As such I'm just dinking around with small details and reading about the successes of others.

The biggest task I'm avoiding is sanding. Not much to show for my work, unfortunately. I'm using an angle grinder with a sanding wheel to take off the sharp edges and then coming back with a palm sander to clean things up. I invested in a particle suit from Home Depot. It works ok, but I still go to bed itchy after throwing particles in the air for more than 30 seconds. That stuff goes EVERYWHERE.

Once I make some more progress I'll post more pics, but the before and after shots look identical for the most part.

When I get bored with this, I'll probably take on the SB cabinet work and forward SB wall. I'm considering adding a real fridge and some other enhancements. That will require I think ahead on my wiring plan and the means to power it all. This desire has instigated an on-going argument in my head. Do I settle and build it out as a day-sailor only, or do I build it out like a mini-yacht as others have done? Money will probably decide this issue. I have lots of time given the horrible weather.

As for the wiring, I would like to place some conduit and run everything through there vs. string it along the underside of the cabin.   That will be first since I've no desire to cut up my work after I've installed it.


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